12A High St, Strathalbyn SA 5255 Australia
If AVS has taken a booking for the Operator’s Product and the Operator is then unable to supply the Product the Operator must provide Product of a similar standard and quality acceptable to the Visitor or at the Visitor’s election AVS shall promptly refund the monies paid by the Visitor.
If the Visitor cancels their booking for Product more than 30 days prior to the first date on which the Product was due to be supplied AVS shall refund to the Visitor all monies paid in advance by the Visitor (including any deposit paid).
If the Visitor cancels their booking for Product less than 30 days and greater than 14 days prior to the first date on which Product was due to be supplied AVS shall retain 10-15% of the total price of the Product and refund to the Visitor the balance of monies paid in advance by the Visitor.
If the Visitor cancels their booking for Product less than 14 days prior to the first date on which Product was due to be supplied AVS shall retain the amount of its commission (10-15%) and shall pay the balance of the money held to the Operator. The Operator agrees that if following a cancellation it secures a new booking for the Product for part or all of the cancelled period it shall refund to the original Visitor the amount paid to it by AVS less a reasonable amount on account of the costs or losses sustained by the Operator as a consequence of the cancellation.
Once a sale has taken place AVS accepts no responsibility for a cancellation or double booking.